Monday 22 July 2013

Keterangan Tentang Produk-Produk Kami

Aura is described as a field of energy that surrounds the entire body. The aura has been called astral light, coronas of light, and a luminous body, by various cultures.

Scientists Have Investigated Existence of the Aura 
According to Cyndi Dale, author of The Subtle Body, scientists have investigated and used various methods to substantiate the existence of an aura since the early 1800's. In 1911 Dr Walter Kilner examined the aura with colored filters and a special kind of coal tar. He discovered three zones: a dark layer next to the skin, a more ethereal layer flowing at a perpendicular angle to the body, and a delicate exterior with contours about six inches across.
Soviet scientists from the Bioinformation Institute headed by A.S. Popow measured biocurrents manifested in the surrounding energy body. They discovered that living organisms emanate vibrations at a frequency between 300 and 2,000 nanometers.
In the 1930's, Russian scientist Semyon Kirlian and wife Valentina invented a photographic process that involved directing a high-frequency electrical field at an object. The object's pattern of luminescence can then be captured on film.

Applications of nanotechnology in the different field can be summarized as follows:
Nanomedicnes: nanodrugs, medical devices, tissue engineering, etc.
Chemicals and cosmetics: nanoscale chemicals and compounds, paints, coating, etc.
Materials: nanoparticles, carbon nanotubes, biopolymers, paints, coating
Food science: processing, nutracetical food, nanocapsules
Envirnoment and energy: water and air purification filters, fuel cells, photovoltics
Military and security: bio-sensers, wepons, sensory enhancement
Electronics: semiconductor chips, memory storage, photonics, optoelectronics
Scientific tools: atomic force, microscopes and scanning tunneling microscope
Agriculture: pesticides, food production

Nanoparticles are often defined as particles of less than 100nm in diameter. Nanoparticles can be also defined as particles less than 100nm in diameter that exhibit new or enhanced size-dependent properties compared with larger particles of the same material. Nanoparticles exist widely in the natural world: for example as the products of photochemical and volcanic activity, and created by plants and algae. They have also been created for thousands of years as products of combustion and food cooking, and more recently from vehicle exhausts

Nanoparticles Show Promise in Cancer Detection and Treatment 

Tiny particles one millionth the size of a human hair may become one of the most significant new products in the biomedical field. University of Missouri researchers in radiology, physics, veterinary medicine and other fields are working together to explore the potential of nanoparticles to detect and treat cancer at the molecular level.“The rationale behind nanoparticulates for biomedical applications is based on the similarity in sizes of nanoparticles to those of living cells,” said Kattesh V. Katti, Ph.D., a professor of radiology and physics, and senior research scientist at the University of Missouri-Columbia. “ Because nanoparticles can get down to the levels of cells in terms of their size, it is hypothesized that we can selectively target specific cells using the nanoparticles .” That means cells can be targeted not only for diagnosing disease, including cancer, but also to monitor the therapy used to treat disease. The University of Missouri recently opened a Nanoparticle Production Core Facility (NPCF), one of the first on-campus facilities of its kind. The NPCF produces gold and silver nanoparticles in 5–10 minutes, or 240 times faster than the previous method. Dr. Katti said that in order to be beneficial in medical applications, nanoparticles must be manufactured quickly, under biologically friendly conditions.

Aura Herbs untuk "Healthy Body" , "Beauty" dan " Energy"
Bagaimana Aura herbs boleh membantu kesihatan anda?
Aura Herbs adalah hasil pemprosesan traditional dan terkini terhadap herba herba terpilih yang masyhur zaman- berzaman fungsinya dan hakikat keistimewaannya.

Terdiri dari lebih 20 jenis ekstrak herba di formulasikan secara traditional dan di frekuensikan hasil dari penemuan terkini.

Ini membolehkannya apabila di sapu partikel partikel minyak herba yang nano /halus bergerak pantas dan jauh kedalam badan (menghantar matlumat ke otak dengan pantas untuk tindakan pencegahan kemudaratan berlarutan)meresap menembusi permukaan-permukaan seperti selaput,kulit,keratin,saluran darah tanpa halangan untuk segera bertindak.

Kenapa Aura Herbs?
Penggunan nya adalah merupakan satu terapi .Dengan hanya menyapu ke tempat yang sakit ia akan terus bertindak dan kesan dapat di rasai serta merta.

Kesihatan Badan -"Healthy Body"
1 mengekalkan keseimbangan badan yang mantap
2 menyingkir sel sel mati dan mengeluarkan toksik
3 memperbaiki sistem peredaran darahke tahap optimum
4 Menghilangkan stress,migrain dan mempertingkatkan daya tahan badan
5 memulihkan dan memantapkan otot otot kelamin(mati pucuk)

Kecantikan dan keremajaan kulit-"Beauty"
1 mengembalikan keanjalan kulit dan awet muda
2 menyembuhkan luka dan paruteg.parut jerawat
3 menghilang kedut dan pigmentasi
4 memberi tona kulit yang sekata
5 menghancur lemak dan selulit

1 menguatkan sendi
2 mengembalikan tenaga eg.untuk memulihkan ibu ibu yang lepas bersalin dengan cepat.
3 meningkatkan stamina dan tenaga selepas penat bekerja
4 untuk melancarkan proses bersalin dan mengurangkan rasa sakit.

Kegunaan lain:
-menguatkan otot seksual lelaki
-mengubati angin pasang surut(Burut)
-melegakan rasa gatal
-melegakan kejang kaki
-sakit lutut,sendi,angin badandan lemah anggota badan
-Angin ahmar
-sakit perut,sakit pinggang dan anggota badan
-menguatkan otot muka dan badan

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